Yashika Solutions

GeM Listed Products

GeM listed products are available for purchase
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Insect Bioassay Trays 6 wells LI-IB-01
Larval Collection Dipper
₹695.00 - ₹3,951.00
Larval sorting Tray Small with 29.1 cm x 18.8 cm x 1.8 cm depth
₹145.00 - ₹175.00
Mosquito or general insect Aspirator with Variations Available
₹685.00 - ₹3,617.25
Insect Container for General Rearing Use
₹200.00 - ₹425.00
Dual Light Trap (DLT) with UV LED and Miniature light trap on CDC model with all accessories LI-MR-47a
Classic Insect Aspirator
₹1.00 - ₹2,317.88
Enamel Trays for General Lab Use (variations available)
Entomological Brushes Type 1 to 5
₹29.00 - ₹95.00
Analytical Weighing Balance with Automatic Internal Calibration
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