Yashika Solutions
Insect Collection and Processing KIT for Dipteran or Small Insects

Insect Collection and Processing KIT for Dipteran or Small Insects

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Product Details
  1. Spiral Notepad 35 pages - for recording the data

  2. Aspirator simple - Manual aspirator -Classic model

  3. Forceps - 2 (sharp with bended tip, sharp straight)

  4. Hair brush ( two types - flat and round shaped bristles)

  5. Pencil, label stickers

  6. Scissors - fine quality. Can do small dissections

  7. Hand lens - for observing insects for quick and ready reference

  8. Art line drawing system 0.1mm pen - for writing

  9. Fine needle - for dissection of insects or for a general handling insects

  10.  Cutter

  11. Killing vials (small 5) - as shown in pic for preserving collections

  12. Specimen tubes (centrifuge plastic tubes) - again for preserving samples

  13. Butter paper covers 

  14. Plastic covers - general purpose

  15. Rubber bands

  16. Cotton

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