Yashika Solutions
Mechanical Aspirator LI-IR-01
Mechanical Aspirator LI-IR-01
Mechanical Aspirator LI-IR-01
Mechanical Aspirator LI-IR-01
Mechanical Aspirator LI-IR-01
Mechanical Aspirator

Mechanical Aspirator with Wire and Power Bank and Speed Control

Mechanical aspirator to work with insect collections. External battery operated instrument can be used to collect all kinds of insects. The unit has power to control speed of suction thereby limiting damages to a tiny or delicate insects. Works like a charm for all kinds of insect collections. For more advanced, height adjustable collections please consider the Advanced Aspirator. Watch working video here. Minor attachment as shown in the video can be used to collect minute vectors of medical importance like mites and ticks.Buy this product on GeM Download product brochure here
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Since the product has speed control option, it can be recommended to catch almost all kinds of small to medium size insects. Further the unit is supplied with three different kinds of aspiration straws varies in size and dimensions of the straw openings for variety of collections. Contents: 1 mechanical aspirator, 1 power bank (not included in export orders), one carry bag, 3 collection straws
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Please download instructions and follow strictly safety precautions as it is recommended with any other electronic items in general. Never open the unit to repair or for any other purpose.
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Look for field professional entomologist kit here and field insect collector kit here and mosquito larval sampling kit here. These kits are very much handy as each of the kit consists of all of the items that are required for an insect collector or an entomologist to do research sampling in the field.

Mechanical Aspirator with an external built battery and an inbuilt LED light features with speed control. The unique ability fo the aspirator is to control motor speed so the collections can be adjusted based on the speed requirement for minimal damages to the insects. The aspirator comes with three different types of collection straws for variety of user requirements; (a) wide mouth 30mm straw opening can be used to collect lepidopteran insects, beetles, flying winged insects, agile mosquitoes like Aedes (b) 14.5mm opening 30 degree bend tip collection straw is for general collections as the angled tip provide exceptional ability to control collections (c) 10mm opening collection for white flies, aphids, or any other small insects that are sensitive to collections by pressure and are small. 

1. Advanced than available mechanical aspirators 
2. In-built LED light. Work as a focusing lighting while doing collections from dark places
3. Runs on generally available mobile power banks in the market. Runs days on a single charged 10ah battery 
4. Battery last longer on single charge. Easy to carry and plug in when planned for several hours of collections.
5. Small and handy. Simple to hold. No fatigue at all.
6. Three different types of aspirator collection straws for various needs. Watch a working video
6. Sturdy and durable material. 

Warranty: One year replacement or repair warranty for whole unit that includes wires, aspirator straws, and the main electronic unit.
CONTENTS: 1 main body | 1 power bank | 3 collection straws | one connecting cable | one field carry bag


We are not responsible for any damages or accidents that may occur while proper or improper use. Please use only as intended and never try to open, repair or attempt to modify the same. Attempt to do any other work voids not only the warranty, may also cause injuries to the persons. We are not responsible for any damages and or loss occur either to the things or to the persons while using our electronic items that includes insect traps and aspirators 

Frequently asked questions

How long does a battery last?

It depends on the milliamps power of the battery. Since the motor consumes very less power, say 550milliamps per hour, a fully charged power bank of 5000 mah should last for 6-7 hours. We usually try to supply 10,000 mah power bank along with the aspirator.

What kind of insects can be collected using the insectPROTM mechanical aspirator?

All kinds of insects that are less than 30mm or 3cm in size can be collected. The biggest aspiration straw has a mouth opening of 30mm in diameter. The unit comes with 3 different types of aspirator straws. Each has a different purpose. For example, if any one wants to collect white flies they should use the one that has a 10mm opening instead of any of the other two. It has a reason. When you use a bigger aspirator straw for collecting smaller insects you would need to use the high power of the mechanical aspirator to suck the insect as the tiny insects might tightly hold onto the plant parts. During the process you might unwantedly damage or kill the insects. Another use case is, say a worker would like to collect Aedes mosquitoes which are usually very agile. Using the 30mm opening straw allows us to suck the flying or missing insects from the air as the opening of the aspiration straw is 30mm against the size of the insect which is 3 to 4mm. This allows for a greater error margin of the correct point of insects. You can just sway the aspirator towards the flying insect several times to suck the insect into the straw.

The aspirator is giving out aloud sound? Does the sound scare mosquitoes or insects away? Is it possible to reduce the sound?

It's normal to get a sound from an aspirator when it is in use as it is the case with any mechanical motor with moving parts here fan is the moving part. There is no way we can reduce or eliminate the sound as there is both blowing and suction work based on the motor-fan. You can adjust the required motor speed using the speed control option available on the back side of the aspirator so that you can have optimum speed which is required to suck the insect which inturn reduces the sound emanating from the unit.

How many aspiration connectors are supplied with the unit and what is necessary to have a multiple aspirator straws?

There are a total of three different aspirator straws supplied with the unit. All three have their own purpose which depends on the type of insects that is in question for collection. Using the straw with an appropriate opening is necessary for both efficiency, and damage or kill free insect collections.

How long does a mechanical aspirator unit last?

It depends how we handle the aspirator unit while doing insect collections. If we use it properly the unit should last for years. For any reason unit malfunctions we service the unit for the customers for a nominal charge.

What are the warranty terms and conditions of the mechanical aspirator?

As is the case with any other electronic items warranted in the market, the unit comes with 6 months of either complete unit replacement or service guarantee commitment from us. So feel free to use the unit as and when necessary. Also we offer service for the damaged or malfunctioned unit for a fee beyond 6 months warranty period. We usually ship the serviced units within 3 days after receipt of the unit for a service.

Recommended uses cases of the mechanical aspirator?

The unit can equally be used both in the field and inside the insectary. However for medically important insects we recommend using our Advanced insectPRO prokopak aspirator for field collection of mosquitoes. The unit not only tremendously accelerates the field collection of mosquitoes but also offers a huge advantage when collections are needed from deep water bodies, shallow, marshy, difficult to reach soil, from ceilings, under furniture and crevices, etc. Please visit here to know more about the instrument.

The same unit has a huge advantage when collecting agriculturally important insects from the fruit trees.

Why don?t you develop a mechanical aspirator model which has inbuilt batteries inside so that we don?t need to carry a power bank, connecting wires and a side sling bag?

When the unit was developed initially it was with a rechargeable lithium ion battery inside with an option to charge and use settings. However there are several issues with this set up which we later started realizing as the workers are not charging the unit when kept in idle and are discharging the unit completely without properly following the laid down procedure that the unit should always be kept under a charge. This is because the lithium batteries have a certain number of deep discharge cycles after which it necessitates to completely replace the dead battery as the battery holds no or few amps of charge or few of the items it's completely dead.

Hence, we have stopped producing the in-built, rechargeable battery based aspirator and converted the model into an external power supply aspirator that can be powered using a power bank.

Having said this, we are working to produce the earlier model with few modifications so that It will have an easy battery replacement setup so that customers who have not followed the laid down procedure can have the option to replace the battery by themselves without needing to send us the unit for servicing.

How is the unit unique compared with other competitors?

The unit is unique in several first of its kind options 1) the aspirator straws made of plastic so there is no fear to damage to the aspirator straws when used in field conditions 2) The unit comes with 3 different types of aspiration straws 3) unit can be used with rechargeable power bank without needing a recurring investments on batteries 4) the unit has an inbuilt speed control so it is always possible to have a control over the suction which can result in damage free insect samples 5) the unit is serviceable and the service is provided by us.

What is the use of speed control in the unit? How can it be accessed?

We have developed an option to control the amount of vacuum the unit can generate for collection of damage free insects. The speed control option can be accessible from a small pea size hole situated at the back side of the aspirator unit. The refill or similar size object like a screwdriver can be used to rotate the speed control knob which is situated inside the unit to adjust the requested suction.

Again, when the unit was introduced for the first time, the speed control knob was situated at the outside of the unit. This facilitated very easy access to the speed control and there were many requests to hide the speed control knob so that once set should stay at the same speed. The easy availability of the speed control knob will let the other unrelated workers tinker with the unit which disturbs the unit which was adjusted for a collection of a particular kind of insect.

Do you have any plans to supply wireless mechanical aspirators?

We are in the process of developing a new rechargeable with forward and reverse option aspirator.

After sales service?

Our promise is to make the unit last as long as possible preferably for years through our continuous after sales support. Please write or communicate with us through anyone of the modes available at the footnotes for questions and answers for any concern.



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  • Types of Aspirator
    Mechanical Aspirator
  • Power Requrement
  • Aspirator Straw
    10, 20, and 30cm
  • Type of Aspirator Straw
    Bended at 30 degrees and Straight
  • Suitable for
    Both for Agriculture and Medical Entomology
  • Warranty on Aspirator
  • Warranty on Accessories like Collection Vial and Straw
    1 Year
  • Total Number of Aspirator Straws
    3 no's
Battery Charger
  • Battery Charger Supplied
  • Battery Type Chargeable
    Lithium Ion Batteries
  • Capacity of Battery Chargeable
  • Chargeable Power
    1.0 amps
  • Operation
    Auto cut-off feature available
Power Requirements
  • Power Requirement
  • DC Power Use
  • AC Power Use
  • Battery Operated
  • Battery
  • Connecting Cable Required
  • DC Cable Required
  • Rechargeable Batteries
    Rechargeable Lithium ion
  • Are Required Batteries Supplied with the Unit
  • Battery Charger
  • DC Power Cable Length
    3 m
  • AC Power Cable Length
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