Yashika Solutions
Mosquito Egg Collection Paper LI-MR-03
Mosquito Egg Collection Paper LI-MR-03

Mosquito Egg Collection Paper

Mosquito egg collection paper is specially made for better oviposition of mosquitoes for egg laying. The paper holds water for more than 24 hrs which cures or matures eggs for perfect hatching. The dry paper is light to dark brown in color and upon soaking turn dark brown to black color. Since the paper is made of natural pulp, field soaking in ovitraps for couple of days will attract more mosquitoes for egg laying. Watch a working video.
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The eggs collection papers are specially made paper for maximum holding of water for the safe collection and curation of mosquito eggs. The color of the paper is light-brown to dark-brown, and when contact with water it turns almost black in color. The mosquitoes have preferential behavior towards dark colors and this would facilitate attractant environment for the laying of eggs by mosquitoes. In addition to the dark in color, the paper has an undulating surface which provides a firm support to mosquito while laying eggs by providing surface to mosquitoes to position conveniently for oviposition.

These papers are useful for routine mosquito eggs collection in cyclic colony maintenance in insectaries. Keep the paper in our pure Black color bowl (these egg papers are conveniently cut to size to fit our bowls -ovitrap for mosquito collection LI-MR-04 -ready to use) which in turn lure mosquitoes to lay eggs preferentially.

Since paper is made of high density yet sufficiently loose material to hold more water compared with the generally used blotting or filter paper, ideal to use field installation of ovitraps. It is found that the paper remains turgid up to 6-8 hrs depending on prevailing weather conditions after complete evaporation of water in the bowl. These egg papers are ideal for maturing Aedes eggs since the water loss is slow, every even through time, which spreads through 6-12 hrs time mimics the natural environment.

Please visit www.labitems.co.in for more details

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