Yashika Solutions
Insect Rearing Cage 6M610

Insect Rearing Cage flek-pole-vf-606060

Insect Rearing Cage (44 x 32 | 680 ?m aperture, aluminum frame as a backbone) HSN: 3923 Specs: W60 x D60 x H60 cm | w 1,070 grams Uses: it is a heavy duty cage with aluminum frames as scaffold. The cage has 2ft height in square. Large space for keeping multiple potted plants for general entomological studies or more specific plant-insect interactions. The cage could be used for rearing difficult to culture mosquitoes or to increase fecundity of the colonies https://www.labitems.co.in/product-page/insect-rearing-cage-6m610. Working video please visit here
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Product Details


Dimensions: W60 x D60 x H60 cm

Net Weight: 1,070 grams

Main Material: Knitted Mesh | Nylon

Mesh Size: 44 x 32 | 650 ?m aperture

Clear Panel: None

Mesh Panel: All Except Floor

Opening: 1 x Front Sleeve, 1 x Front Zipper


A 60-cm cube, 6M610 insect cage is suitable for small potted plants.  All panels except the floor are of Nylon netting (44 x 32 mesh) for ventilation.  A thin strip is sewn across the ceiling from which to suspend objects such as feeders.

There are two openings in the front panel of 6M610 insect rearing cage.  The zippered opening is large enough to insert potted plants. On the zippered opening is a 18-cm sleeve opening for addition or removal of insects and replacement of food without letting insects escape.

The framework of the 6M610 insect cage is of durable aluminum and constructed outside the enclosure.  There are no places for insects to hide inside the cage.

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