pH system (u Controller Based) with Electrode and Temp. Probe (Type : 362 ) LILI50
u Controller Based pH system with Electrode and Temp. Probe (Type : 362 ) Make: Systronics The advantages of the u Controller Based pH system 362 at a glance: Micro controller based up to 5 point calibration for pH pH Range : 0 to 14 0.001 pH Resolution mV Range : 0 - +1999.9 0.1 mV Resolution Temperature compensation : Auto / Manual Readout : 2 Line 20 character alphanumeric LCD Data storage : 80 Readings Printer interface for 80 Column D.M. Printer Brochure: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/53375d_8fce086a315e47f4a23e70f3e6a06774.pdf
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