Yashika Solutions

Larval Food Mosquitoes Rearing - LI-MR-17

General food for insect larval rearing
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Please do not over feed the larvae. Mortality may result due to excess use of food. Use sufficient food and dissolve it completely in 5-10ml of water and add require amount of food to the larval tray. Do not add the food directly to the larval tray. Thumbrule: After adding the food the water should still be transparent. Never over feed.


Larval food for mosquito rearing. It is a blend of yeast, dog buiscuits, dried fish, amino acids, wheat & rice bran. The composition of the larval food taken care of the need of requirement of optimal nutrition for maintaining a healthy cyclic colonies. Continuous use of our food may increase feacundity of the colony with less mortalities and reduced incidences of disease spread among laboratory colonies. Growth of healthy mosquitoes is possible with improved nutrition.

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