Yashika Solutions
Insect Prokopack Collection Cups Spare
Insect Prokopack Collection Cups Spare
Insect Prokopack Collection Cups Spare
Insect Prokopack Collection Cups Spare
Insect Prokopack Collection Cups Spare

Insect Prokopack Collection Cups Spare

Insect containers equipped with aeration holes are vital for maintaining an environment conducive to insect survival. These holes not only allow for the necessary exchange of gases—oxygen coming in and carbon dioxide going out—but also help regulate the internal humidity by letting excess moisture evaporate. This prevents condensation and the growth of harmful fungi or bacteria. By adjusting the size and number of these holes, one can meet the specific respiratory needs and habitat preferences of different insect species. Ultimately, incorporating aeration holes in insect containers is essential for promoting the health and longevity of captive insects. The containers are also used as a collection cups in our insectPRO advanced insect aspirator. 
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Product Details
Insect containers equipped with aeration holes are vital for maintaining an environment conducive to insect survival. These holes not only allow for the necessary exchange of gases—oxygen coming in and carbon dioxide going out—but also help regulate the internal humidity by letting excess moisture evaporate. This prevents condensation and the growth of harmful fungi or bacteria. By adjusting the size and number of these holes, one can meet the specific respiratory needs and habitat preferences of different insect species. Ultimately, incorporating aeration holes in insect containers is essential for promoting the health and longevity of captive insects. These containers are also used as collection cups to collect insects and seclude based on various collection parameters like location, geography, species, place or time of collection etc. Cups are strong enough to withstand drops and rough field use. No breakages as these are made of high pure PP used for laboratory grade plasticware. Since the bottom of the cups are fastened with a mesh using washer the mesh can be replaced based on the type of collections. For example intended collection of insects are tiny and minute or less than say 1mm, then use our fine mesh to hold the insects. When insects are light sensitive or need moisture, replace the mesh with muslin cloth and drip frequently the cloth with moisture to ensure adequate RH inside the cups. Or when collection is about whiteflies or sandflies or similar sized insects then use our fine mesh to replace the aeration holes.

This way these cups are versatile in their use and are perfect insect containers for various field as well as laboratory use!

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