Insect Rearing Cage 4E4590
Net Weight: 560 grams
Main Material: Woven Mesh | Nylon
Mesh Size: 150 x 150 | 160 ?m aperture
Clear Panel: None
Mesh Panel: All Except Floor
Opening: 2 x Front Sleeve, 1 x Back Zipper
There are three openings in the front panel of 4E4590 insect rearing cage. The zippered opening is large enough to insert potted plants. On the zippered opening are two 18-cm sleeve openings to permit addition or removal of insects and replacement of food without letting insects escape.
The framework of 4E4590 insect cage is of lightweight fiberglass and constructed outside the enclosure. There are no places for insects to hide inside the cage.
For similar kinds of insect cages with different mesh size visit here