Insect Rearing Cage LI-6E610
Dimensions: W60 x D60 x H60 cm
Net Weight: 1,070 grams
Main Material: Woven Mesh | Nylon
Mesh Size: 150 x 150 | 160 ?m aperture
Clear Panel: None
Mesh Panel: All Except Floor
Opening: 1 x Front Sleeve, 1 x Front Zipper
A 60-cm cube, 6e610 insect cage is suitable for small potted plants. All panels except the floor are of fine Nylon netting 150 x 150 mesh for ventilation. A thin strip is sewn across the ceiling from which to suspend objects such as feeders.
There are two openings in the front panel of 6e610 insect rearing cage. The zippered opening is large enough to insert potted plants. On the zippered opening is a 18-cm sleeve opening for addition or removal of insects and replacement of food without letting insects escape.
The framework of 6e610 insect cage is of durable aluminum and constructed outside the enclosure. There are no places for insects to hide inside the cage.
For accessories, missing parts and replacements please see here