Insect Rearing Bag DC3210
Insect rearing bags are used for several kinds of purposes like to understand relationship between insect and plant. Under open environmental condictions insects have a choice to respond to plants in different ways. For example, insect at their immature stages might prefer to grow on leaves of different species while during adults might like to feed on to the different species than the perference during their immature stages. Using rearing bags these preferential intractions could be inferred with indirect measurements of insect's life table prameters. Bag also helps to grow fastedious insects onto the live plant materials
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Product Details
Determination of ETLs, rearing of insects in-situ, preserving live insects on plants, observing unknown aspects of insect's life cycle, collection of all life cycle stages of insects, measuring plant - insect interactions, insect - insect interactions, recording plant damaging or feeding preference behavior of insect species, natural predator - pray interactions, response of insects to the weather and climatic changes