Yashika Solutions

Humidity Controller Unit Only

Humidity controller for regulating humidifier at a desired RH%. It is very tedious and cumbersome to maintain humidity in insectary. Excess humidity might develop Moulds in the insectary while improper or low humidity might be dangerous to the healthy insect colonies. Low humidity might results in death of insects. So RH% at 65-70 is optimum for rearing good quality insects. Our regulator can be used to auto control humidity at desired RH through controlling the humidifier. One way to control the excess mould growth on the walls is painting with Enamel paints or water proof paints so that water droplets won't get absorbed into the walls to aid in development of moulds on the walls.
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Product Details
Humidity controller for regulating humidifier at a desired RH%. It is very tedious and cumbersome to maintain humidity in insectary. Excess humidity might develop moulds in the insectary while improper or low humidity might be dangerous to the healthy insect colonies. Low humidity might results in death of insects. So RH% at 65-70 is optimum for rearing good quality insects. Our regulator can be used to auto control humidity at desired RH through controlling the humidifier

1. Humidity can be set from room RH to 95%
2. Can be set at an increments of 1%
3. Auto on and off the connected humidifier
4. Sensor has a precision of plus or minus 4%

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